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Chinkey Weasel 5:34 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Lansoprazole 30mg a day. Game changer

whúru 5:37 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Yep, same as a few above, Lansoprazole 20mg a day, brilliant stuff

steveiron64 6:40 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
LANZO me too (15mg).

Dick Dastardly 6:55 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
I'm on 15mg of Lansoprazole daily and a swig of Gaviscon Advance when I've been on the piss!!!

Mad Dog 7:07 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Omanprazole and some gaviscon if I've had a ruby

stomper 7:33 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Ive been prescribed Pantoprazole which I guess must be the same. Works fine tho', and sounds like an undiscovered resort town somewhere south of the bay of Naples

PistonHammered 7:43 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

Apparently it works, so I've been told.

mike hunt 7:59 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
do honey and cider vinegar every day, not for acid reflux, i dont think it helps that, but what did help was" HCL BETAINE," which is hydrochloric acid , (whats in your gut) the premise being that you get reflux because you are deficient in it ,hence theres not enough to break down the food properly, i started taking them and it sorted me right out, GOOGLE IT

PistonHammered 8:04 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
That's funny mike. You say "not for acid reflux" and then give the same answer as the article on acid reflux that I posted.

It says....
"Drinking apple cider vinegar can help cure acid reflux and indigestion, according to natural health expert and author of "Alkalinize or Die," Thomas Baroody. Most reflux is caused by having too little acid in the stomach, not too much. Baroody's recommendation is to drink 1 cup of water with 1 tbsp. vinegar mixed in before meals to keep your indigestion symptoms at bay"

So...................apparently it works.

Nicey 8:17 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Lansoprazole for the last few years or an operation. I took the pills and they have changed my life as I've had problems even when drinking a glass of water from when I was a kid.

Anyway the doc has now asked me to ease off of them because I'm not absorbing the correct nutrients from my diet and long term this isn't the answer.

Stopped using them and kept and eye on what I eat and it's going ok but I do have a stash of Rennies close by if it flares up.

Oh and prop one side of your bed up by a few cms by putting something under the legs

jack flash 8:55 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Lansoprazole 15mg daily at first, but now just as needed

I found the key for me was avoiding certain foodstuff
ie Red wine, Onions, Pastry & certain Cheeses

Eliminating those, I still have the odd problem & use the tablets then

One Word 8:56 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Gout is round the corner

madeeasy 9:57 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
One word, what makes you say that? I have had really horrible pains in both my thumbs the past couple of months as well.....

Tbf that has gone down as well now my chest has calmed down...

One Word 10:06 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Gout is caused from Uric acid in the blood stream

Mine starts from heart burn, a few days later the crystal form on your joints , it hurts like fuck

I've adapted my diet rather than tablets

madeeasy 10:15 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
I have changed mine, I haven't had my heartburn for about 3 years. I lost 3 stone started exercising etc. but then it has just come back...

That's why I tried this apple cider vinegar and that seems to have worked for me in the past couple of weeks.

What else did you change in your diet? I think spicy food is doing it for me right now as I have started eating more spices and spicier food.

One Word 10:21 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Read up about foods with purines

These are things to avoid

madeeasy 10:25 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Thanks one word. on it now.

claret50 10:36 Thu Mar 24
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Gaviscon (pink) works for me.

mike hunt 12:32 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
piston hammered sorry mate what i meant was ,i dont take the honey and vinegar for gastric reasons, i take it cos its good for staving off arthritis apparrently, i didnt read your link, but it seems the same theory, but as i say i been doing the vinegar for years and still get the reflux, only the hcl stopped it

Private Dancer 3:09 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Those saying that they take Lansoprazole daily, what forever? Aint it meant to be a course, say 8 weeks, and isn't meant to be taken every day indefinitely?

As for taking one when you've had a ruby, ffs, aint these pills meant to be for people that have serious problems, not for someone who may belch for a while after a curry??

normannomates 5:59 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Alcohol and spicy food ..asking for trouble.
If I am on the piss..I tend to eat as little as I can get away with.
The stomach can only take so much.

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